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Bold purple eyelook

Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Book of life birthday party

So my daughter feel in love with the movie book of life,as did I. Well this movie is not available for party supplies nor are there toys u can just go to the store and buy. So i came up with just trying make it a fiesta-ish party. I wanted this simple and to the point. Not excessive in decor, one because i would have to make everything hint no supplies, two i am crazy busy with two jobs and other birthdays and three i didn't want to spend a lot of money. We decided on nachos, cake and ice cream. Ooh and we made cucumber water and jamaica (a habisicus tea). We only did a small amount of family. I found fiesta plates, tablecloths, sticky mustaches for everyone(the movie was all about mustaches),some hanging fiesta decor, a bull pinata ,mexucan candy, and little sombrero hats at party city. I made the cake homemade. Homemade marshmallow fondant. Then i free handed his face as well as cutting his head to shape just by eyeing it. The cake in my opinion was the main event.I'm pretty proud it looks just like manolo. I wish i had more time to go all out because this is a really fun theme that can be done with more lights, streamers, maybe paper flowers, and lots of food. Either way very fun theme and my daughter was happy.

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